Choosing the ‘best freshwater aquarium fish combination’ turns crucial to create a beautiful and healthy aquarium. You know, as a fish enthusiast nothing matches up to the satisfaction of seeing colorful fish swimming happily together in a tank. But, hey, arriving at the best combination of fish to accomplish a happy aquarium could be cumbersome, unless you are guided by an experienced aquarist.
Wow, look at all those fish! They are awesome and you want them all, right? But hold on. You can’t just grab any fish and throw them in a tank. Some fish are jerks, some fish are fussy, and some fish need stuff to be chill. If you mess up the fish mix, they might go crazy, get ouchy, or even croak.
I know you’re a fish lover like me. In this blog post, I’m going to help you make your fish tank amazing and healthy with the best freshwater aquarium fish combo. Whether you are a newbie or a pro at fishkeeping, with my experience, I’ve got your back.
Fish that get along can create a stunningly peaceful and colorful aquatic display. But introducing incompatible species can bring on some serious trouble such as aggression, stress, and the unthinkable – death. So, it’s essential to take the time to plan and research your fish combination with care. Let’s dive right in and explore the most exquisite freshwater aquarium fish combinations that promise to keep your aquarium healthy and thriving.
Factors to consider when choosing freshwater aquarium fish combination
Selecting the perfect fish combination is vital to create a thriving and flourishing aquarium. However, before heading out to buy your fish, it’s essential to take into account a few important factors that ensure their harmonious coexistence and prosperity in their new habitat. Let’s brush through some of the important factors to consider while selecting the best freshwater aquarium fish:
Compatibility of aquarium fish
Selecting the perfect combination of fish for your aquarium is imperative for ensuring the well-being and harmony of your aquatic pets. The factor that trumps all others in this regard is compatibility. It’s imperative to remember that some fish species come pre-loaded with aggression, while others are calm and untroubled. To achieve optimal health and happiness for each aquatic inhabitant in your aquarium, it is crucial to consider and fulfill their unique habitat necessities.
For example, tetras, guppies, and mollies are often compatible and can be kept together in a community tank. However, aggressive fish like cichlids and bettas shouldn’t be kept along with other species, as they may attack or even kill other fish in the tank.
Btw, you’ll sure be surprised to know about these large non-aggressive freshwater fish, some of which live around for 25 years!
Aquarium fish selection
In order to cultivate a flourishing aquatic ecosystem in your aquarium, it is important to be selective in choosing fish species that can seamlessly integrate with the specific environmental conditions of your tank. Water temperature, pH level, and salinity are critical parameters that need careful attention. Various fish species exhibit unique preferences and tolerances to these parameters, and understanding these specifications can help you make informed choices when selecting the right combination of fish for your tank.
Water temperature preferences of fish
Water temperature is another important factor to consider when selecting freshwater aquarium fish. Some fish species require warm water while others thrive in cooler water. Majority of freshwater fish happily survive in the temperature range of 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit or 22-28 degrees Celsius.
Goldfish prefer cooler water temperatures ranging between 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. African cichlids prefer warmer water temperatures ranging between 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit or 24 to 27 degrees Celsius. Therefore, researching the specific temperature requirements of the fish you’re interested in is essential to ensure they can coexist peacefully and thrive in their new home.
Tank size requirements for fish
The size of the tank significantly affects the health and happiness of your aquatic pets. Nobody wants to live in a cramped, stuffy space, and fish are no different. Overcrowding can lead to poor water quality, and unhealthy living conditions can cause stress and disease in your finned friends. At least ‘one gallon of water per inch of fish’ is the thumb-rule for a happy aquarium.
‘One gallon of water per inch of fish’ is the thumb-rule for a happy aquarium.
The correlation between water in the aquarium and the number of fish and their size depends on diverse factors – say, type of fish and their behavior.
But as a thumb-rule you may understand that a 20-gallon tank can comfortably accommodate up to 10 small fish or 5 larger ones. Correspondingly, a 55-gallon tank can hold up to 20 small fish or 10 larger ones.
A 20-gallon tank can comfortably accommodate up to 10 small fish or 5 larger ones.
Do not forget to research or know thoroughly about water temperature, pH levels, and other factors before deciding upon which fish to keep. By taking into account their compatibility, water temperature preferences, and tank size requirements, you can create a beautiful, thriving aquatic environment for your finned family members.
To conclude, keeping fish in a freshwater aquarium is both fun and a relaxing hobby, no doubts but only when done with due diligence. By following the tips outlined above, you can ensure that your fish thrive in their underwater home and bring you joy for years to come.
How we chose the best freshwater aquarium fish combinations
When selecting the top freshwater aquarium fish combinations, we considered several factors such as compatibility, water temperature preferences, and tank size requirements. Our goal was to create a list of community fish that would thrive in a variety of tank setups, from planted tanks to nano aquariums.
We also made sure to include a mix of fish species that were both visually appealing and compatible with each other.
Our research included looking at the behavior, diet, and overall care requirements of each fish species, as well as taking into consideration reader interest in finding the best aquarium fish community. These fish combinations will help you create a healthy and vibrant aquarium at your home, either as a beginner or an experienced aquarist.
So, without further ado, let’s explore some of the best freshwater aquarium fish combinations, including compatible fish species for aquariums and nano aquarium fish selection.
Creating the best aquarium fish community: 10 Freshwater fish combinations for planted tanks and nano aquariums
Fish Combination | Temperature | pH | Tank Size | Recommended number of fish |
Harlequin Rasboras & Kuhli Loaches | 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit | 6.0-7.5 | at least 20 gallons | a group of at least 6 of each species |
Neon Tetra & Cherry Shrimp | around 75 degrees Fahrenheit | neutral | 10 gallons | 6-8 Neon tetras and 10-12 Cherry Shrimp |
Guppies & Corydoras | 70-82 degrees Fahrenheit | 6.8-7.8 | at least 20 gallons | 10-15 Guppies and 5-6 Corydoras |
German Blue Ram & Bolivian Ram | 77-82 degrees Fahrenheit | 6.0-7.5 | at least 30 gallons | 4-6 Rams |
Swordtails & Bristlenose Plecos | 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit | 7.0-8.4 | at least 30 gallons | 3-5 Swordtails and one Bristlenose Pleco |
Neon Tetra & Corydoras Catfish | 68 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit | 6.0-7.5 | as small as 10 gallons is enough for Neon tetra and at least 20 gallons for Corydoras Catfish | 6-8 of each species in a 20 gallon tank |
Angelfish & Bolivian Ram | 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit | 6.5-7.0 | at least 30 gallons | around 2-3 of each species |
Guppy & Mollies | 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit | 7.5-8.0 | as small as 10 gallons | 2 female guppies for every male guppy and 3 female mollies for every male molly |
Rainbowfish & Kuhli Loach | 73-82 degrees Fahrenheit | 6.0-7.5 | at least 30 gallons | at least 6 Rainbowfish in a group and at least 3 Kuhli Loaches |
Discus & Cardinal Tetra | 74-82 degrees Fahrenheit | 6.5-6.8 | a minimum of 50 gallons and a larger tank of 75 gallons is better (Discus need spacious tanks) | 6-8 Cardinal Tetras with 2-3 Discus |
1. Harlequin Rasboras and Kuhli Loaches
Harlequin Rasboras and Kuhli Loaches are a unique combination for a community aquarium. Harlequin Rasboras are active and colorful fish that thrive in groups, while Kuhli Loaches are bottom-dwelling eel-like fish that are peaceful and active at night.
Both species prefer a water temperature between 72 degrees and 82 degrees Fahrenheit along with a pH of 6.0-7.5. A tank size of at least 20 gallons is recommended for this combination. Harlequin Rasboras are omnivorous, and Kuhli Loaches are carnivorous, so a combination of flakes, pellets, and frozen or live food such as brine shrimp or bloodworms will provide a balanced diet.
Recommended number of fish for the Harlequin Rasboras-Kuhli Loaches combination and reasons why the combination works well
For the Harlequin Rasboras and Kuhli Loaches combination, it’s recommended to keep a group of at least six of each species. Both species are schooling fish, so keeping them in groups of six or more will help them feel more comfortable and secure in the aquarium.
Harlequin Rasboras and Kuhli Loaches work well together because they both prefer similar water conditions, including a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 and a temperature range of 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. They also have peaceful temperaments and are unlikely to compete for food or show aggression towards each other. Additionally, Kuhli Loaches are known to occupy the bottom of the aquarium, while Harlequin Rasboras prefer to swim in the middle and upper levels, so they will occupy different areas of the tank.
2. Neon Tetra and Cherry Shrimp
Neon tetras and cherry shrimp are an excellent combination for a planted tank. Neon tetras are small, peaceful, and active fish that thrive in groups of six or more. Cherry shrimp are also small and peaceful in nature, making them a perfect match for neon tetras.
You know what? These two critters get along great in the same tank. They like the water to be not too hot and not too cold, just around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. And they don’t need anything fancy for the water quality, just keep it neutral.
If you want to make them really happy, give them some plants to hide and play in. A 10-gallon tank with some greenery is perfect for them. And don’t worry about feeding them too much. They’ll eat anything you give them, from flakes to pellets to algae snacks. They’re not picky at all!
Recommended number of fish for the Neon tetra-Cherry shrimp combination and reasons why the combination works well
The recommended number of fish for the Neon Tetra and Cherry Shrimp combination is six to eight Neon Tetras and ten to twelve Cherry Shrimp. Neon Tetras are peaceful and non-aggressive fish that can coexist with Cherry Shrimp without any issues. The Cherry Shrimp, on the other hand, serve as a source of live food for the Neon Tetras, as they will eat any leftover food and algae in the tank. In addition, Cherry Shrimp are excellent cleaners, and they help to maintain the overall cleanliness of the tank. It is important to note that the tank should be well planted to provide the Cherry Shrimp with hiding places and to create a natural habitat for the Neon Tetras.
The combination of Neon tetra and Cherry shrimp works well because they are both peaceful species that thrive in similar water conditions.
In addition, Neon tetras and Cherry shrimp have similar water temperature preferences, which makes it easier to maintain the appropriate temperature for both species in the same tank.
But hey, there’s one thing you should know. These Cherry shrimp are like rabbits, they multiply like crazy. So make sure you have lots of plants and hiding spots in the tank, or else you’ll have a shrimp invasion on your hands.
3. Guppies and Corydoras
Guppies and Corydoras are a popular combination for beginners. Guppies are active and colorful fish that come in a variety of patterns and colors, while Corydoras are peaceful bottom-dwellers that help keep the aquarium clean.
Both species prefer a water temperature between 70 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of 6.8-7.8. A tank size of at least 20 gallons is recommended for this combination. Guppies are omnivorous, and Corydoras are carnivorous, so a combination of flakes, pellets, and frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp will provide a balanced diet.
Recommended number of fish for the Guppies-Corydoras combination and reasons why the combination works well
The recommended number of fish that can be kept for the ‘Guppies’ and ‘Corydoras’ combination depends on the tank size. A 20-gallon tank can house around ten to fifteen guppies and five to six corydoras. Guppies are known for their active and playful behavior, while corydoras are known for their bottom-dwelling and scavenging habits.
You know why these two fish get along so well? Because they don’t get in each other’s way. Guppies like to hang out in the top and middle of the tank, while corydoras like to dig and munch in the bottom of the tank. They don’t fight over food or space, they just do their own thing. They’re like the perfect roommates.
Guppies are also pretty easy to take care for and low-maintenance, and they look amazing with all their different colors and designs. They’re like the perfect fish for newbie fish-keepers. Meanwhile, corydoras are hardy fish that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions and help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food and debris.
4. German Blue Ram and Bolivian Ram
The German Blue Ram and Bolivian Ram are two cichlid species that can be kept together in a community aquarium. Both species are peaceful and happily live with other non-aggressive fish species.
They like the water to be warm and not too acidic, somewhere between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.0-7.5. You’ll need a big tank for this combo, at least 30 gallons.
Both species will eat anything you give them, from flakes to pellets to frozen or live treats like brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia. They’re not fussy at all.
Recommended number of fish for the German Blue Ram-Bolivian Ram combination and reasons why the combination works well
For the German Blue Ram and Bolivian Ram combination, it is recommended to keep a group of four to six rams in a tank of at least 30 gallons.
These two types of dwarf cichlids get along great because they’re like cousins (come from the same family) and they like the same kind of water and temperature.
Both species are also peaceful and can coexist well with other community fish. However, it is important to note that they can become territorial during breeding, so providing ample hiding spaces and decorations can help minimize any aggression. Overall, the combination of German Blue Rams and Bolivian Rams can create a beautiful and peaceful display in a well-planted aquarium.
5. Swordtails and Bristlenose Plecos
Swordtails and Bristlenose Plecos are an excellent combination for a community aquarium. Swordtails are active, colorful fish that prefer to swim in the middle to top of the tank, while Bristlenose Plecos are bottom-dwellers that help keep the aquarium clean.
Both species prefer a water temperature between 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of 7.0-8.4. A tank size of at least 30 gallons is recommended for this combination. Swordtails are omnivorous, and Bristlenose Plecos are herbivorous, so a combination of flakes, pellets, and algae wafers will provide a balanced diet.
Recommended number of fish for the Swordtails-Bristlenose Plecos combination and reasons why the combination works well
For the Swordtails and Bristlenose Plecos combination, it is recommended to keep a group of three to five Swordtails and one Bristlenose Pleco in a tank of at least 30 gallons.
The combination of Swordtails and Bristlenose Plecos works well together for a few reasons. Firstly, Swordtails are peaceful fish that do well in community tanks and are compatible with a variety of other species. Bristlenose Plecos, on the other hand, are known for their algae-eating abilities and are a great addition to any tank with live plants.
In terms of tank size, both Swordtails and Bristlenose Plecos can thrive in a 20-gallon tank or larger. When keeping these fish together, it is recommended to have a ratio of one male Swordtail to three females, as males can sometimes become aggressive towards each other. As for the Bristlenose Plecos, one or two individuals can be kept in a tank with Swordtails, as they are relatively peaceful and do not require much swimming space.
6. Neon Tetra and Corydoras Catfish
These two species make an excellent combination for a small community tank. The neon tetra is a peaceful, schooling fish that adds a bright pop of color to your aquarium. They prefer a water temperature between 68 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit and can thrive in a tank as small as 10 gallons.
The corydoras catfish is a bottom-dwelling fish that helps keep your tank clean by eating leftover food and debris. They prefer a water temperature between 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and need a tank size of at least 20 gallons. These two species are compatible and create a visually appealing and low-maintenance tank.
Recommended number of fish for the Neon tetra-Corydoras Catfish combination and reasons why the combination works well
The recommended number of fish for the Neon tetra and Corydoras Catfish combination is about six to eight of each species in a 20-gallon tank. The reason why they work well together is that both are peaceful and have similar water requirements. The Neon tetras are small and active fish that swim in the middle and top of the tank, while the Corydoras Catfish are bottom-dwelling fish that scavenge for food.
Corydoras Catfish can help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food and detritus, while Neon tetras add a pop of color to the tank. In addition, the movement of the Corydoras Catfish can help stimulate the Neon tetras to swim more actively, creating a lively and dynamic aquarium. These two species are fine to share a tank, because they’re both pally-pally and don’t bother each other.
7. Angelfish and Bolivian Ram
This combination features two species that are known for their unique and striking appearances. Angelfish are known for their graceful swimming and distinctive shape, while Bolivian Rams are known for their vibrant colors and bold personalities. Both of these species prefer a water temperature between 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and need a tank size of at least 30 gallons. While angelfish can be somewhat territorial, they are compatible with Bolivian Rams as long as there are plenty of hiding spots and territories within the tank.
Recommended number of fish for the Angelfish-Bolivian Ram combination and reasons why the combination works well
The ideal number of fish for the ‘Angelfish’ and ‘Bolivian Ram’ combination would be around 2-3 of each species, given their individual needs and tank requirements. Both of these fish species are known for their unique and eye-catching appearance, with the Angelfish’s graceful swimming and distinctive shape complementing the Bolivian Ram’s vibrant colors and bold personality.
This combination works well together as both species are peaceful, relatively easy to care for, and have similar water temperature requirements. . Overall, the Angelfish and Bolivian Ram combination is a visually stunning and well-suited pairing that will bring life and vibrancy to any aquarium setup.
8. Guppy and Mollies
Guppies and mollies are both easy to care for and add a lot of personality to your aquarium. Guppies are a brightly colored, schooling fish that are easy to breed, while mollies are known for their unique shapes and patterns.
Both species prefer a water temperature between 72-82°F and can thrive in a tank as small as 10 gallons. While guppies are peaceful, mollies can be somewhat aggressive, so it’s important to keep an eye on their interactions and provide plenty of hiding spots in the tank.
Recommended number of fish for the Guppy-Mollies combination and reasons why the combination works well
Guppies and mollies are both easy and awesome fish to keep in your tank. Guppies have bright colors and love to swim together, while mollies have different shapes and patterns. They both do well in warm water and don’t need a big tank.
But you have to watch out for how many you keep. Guppies are friendly, but mollies can be bossy, so you need to make sure they have enough room and hiding spots. And you don’t want too many males or females, else they will fight while mating.
A good ratio is to have two female guppies for every male guppy, and three female mollies for every male molly. That way, they’ll be happy and healthy.
9. Rainbowfish and Kuhli Loach
This combination features two species that are both unique and fascinating to watch. Rainbowfish are known for their bright colors and active swimming, while Kuhli Loaches are known for their long, eel-like bodies and playful personalities.
Both of these species prefer a water temperature between 73 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and need a tank size of at least 30 gallons. While these two species are compatible, it’s important to provide plenty of hiding spots and territories within the tank to prevent any territorial issues.
Recommended number of fish for the Rainbow Fish-Kuhli Loach combination and reasons why the combination works well
Rainbow Fish and Kuhli Loaches can make a great combination in an aquarium as long as their needs are met. Rainbow Fish prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH range of 7.0-8.0, while Kuhli Loaches prefer a pH range of 6.0-7.5. Both species prefer soft water with a water hardness of 5-15 dGH. A tank size of at least 30 gallons is recommended to keep this combination of fish.
As for the number of fish, it’s recommended to keep at least six Rainbow Fish in a group for them to exhibit their natural schooling behavior. For Kuhli Loaches, a group of at least three is recommended, as they are social and enjoy the company of their own species. It’s important to provide plenty of hiding spots and territories within the tank to ensure that both species can coexist peacefully.
10. Discus and Cardinal Tetra
You know what? This combo is all about beauty and style. Discus fish are gorgeous and smooth, while Cardinal Tetras are flashy and colorful. They both like the water to be warm and need a big tank. Discus fish can be a bit fussy and need some extra care, but they get along with Cardinal Tetras as long as the water is clean and the tank is well-kept.
Recommended number of fish for the Discus-Cardinal Tetra combination and reasons why the combination works well
Discus and Cardinal Tetras can make a beautiful and peaceful combination in a freshwater aquarium. The recommended number of fish to keep for this combination is a group of six to eight Cardinal Tetras with two to three Discus. Discus fish are known for their bright colors and distinctive shape, and they prefer a temperature range between 82 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit. Cardinal Tetras are small, colorful schooling fish that prefer a temperature range of 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Both species are peaceful and can coexist in the same tank without any issues as long as the water conditions are properly maintained. It’s important to keep the tank clean and provide plenty of hiding spots and plants for the Cardinal Tetras to feel safe and comfortable.
Important note: Maintaining stable water conditions, including temperature and water quality, is crucial for the health and well-being of these fish. Regular water testing and appropriate water changes are essential to keep the pH within the desired range.
Finally, let’s summarize our discussion. Given my experience with fish and fishkeeping everything we discussed so far boils down to the following ‘easy-to-remember’ tips:
- Choose compatible fish species: Make sure the fish you choose can coexist peacefully and have similar water temperature and pH requirements.
- Plan for adequate space: Consider the size of your tank and the adult size of your fish to ensure they have enough room to swim and live comfortably.
- Add a variety of fish: Incorporating different types of fish, such as top, middle, and bottom dwellers, can create a more interesting and dynamic aquarium.
- Avoid aggressive or territorial fish: Some fish can become aggressive towards others and take over the tank, causing stress and harm to other fish.
- Consider the overall appearance: Choose fish that have complementary colors and patterns to create a visually appealing aquarium.
- Research before buying: Make sure to research the behavior and care requirements of each fish species before adding them to your tank to ensure they will thrive in their environment.
If you love freshwater aquariums, you should totally try out these 10 awesome freshwater aquarium fish combinations suggested above. These fish are so beautiful and they look great together in the tank.
Believe me, I have been keeping freshwater aquariums for years and have tried all kinds of fish. The combinations in this article are the best ones ever. They are pretty, friendly, and easy to take care of. Go ahead and set up your tank, and enjoy the beauty of these amazing fish!
Happy fishkeeping!
Fishkeeping Resources
Also Read: Top 10 easiest fish to take care of for beginners
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